JOBBIE Peanut Butter Banana Chocolate Truffle

JOBBIE Peanut Butter Banana Chocolate Truffle

JOBBIE Peanut Butter Banana Chocolate Truffle

by Stellie (IG @eatwithstellie


  • A few bananas 🍌
  • 1½ cup JOBBIE Chunky Pure Peanut Butter 
  • 1½ cup oat brans 
  • ½ cup flaxseeds or whatever seeds 
  • A pinch of salt 
  • Some 100% cocoa powder (unsweetened) 

JOBBIE Peanut Butter Banana Chocolate Truffle


  1. Smash bananas and mix together with peanut butter, oat brans, flaxseeds and salt. 
  2. Roll mixture into small balls. 
  3. Coat the balls with cocoa powder evenly. 
  4. Refrigerate for 2 hours or until the shape sets. Enjoy! 

JOBBIE Peanut Butter Banana Chocolate Truffle JOBBIE Peanut Butter Banana Chocolate Truffle

JOBBIE is a Malaysian brand specialised in making 100% natural Halal peanut butter. 

Our peanut butter is perfect to enjoy on bread/toast, but there can be many more possibilities! Check out more interesting JOBBIE peanut butter recipes here

Want to get your recipe featured? Tag #jobbierecipes on Instagram to join us! 

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