TV2《前线视窗》Galeri Nasional Mandarin
The story of 2 strugglers
Thank you TV2《前线视窗》 for the awesome feature. A lot of people are struggling, whether it is with work, life, or their personal relationships. But I implore you to watch our short interview, let us inspire you however much we could, because honestly…everything will be fine.
You may see us on your front screen and say “wow…life on television might seem sparkling
and they had it all”. We’ll be very real and tell it straight to you that we’re not perfect, and like you we have our personal difficulties to overcome. Which is TOTALLY FINE!!!
“But what do you mean by it’ll be fine??”
When we first started we face rejection, not just plain old rejections but from those who are actually the CLOSEST and DEAREST to us. We were thrown with statements like “you’ll never make it”, “you’ll regret your decision to stop school because you’re just 18 and 20 years old” to even “you don’t have what it takes to succeed”.
There’s a saying what doesn’t kills you only makes you stronger and it's really true! Up to now, we face sh*tload tons on criticism. We won’t hide it as it is our truest self, everybody makes mistakes and SO DO WE! It is because of this criticism, rejection and the lemons
that life throw on us we are where we are now.
“It is not what people say we are what we are, but the decision and judgement that we make that truly defines us.”
So now you know a bit about us and we assume you watched the video, so go out and conquer the world!