Approximately 917 days into this "nutty" venture, there were many ups and downs. There were times we gave up on ourselves, there were also times we felt it’s never a better day to live! Nevertheless we stand today, stronger than ever. These are all thanks to all who supported us, who pulled us when we’re down. Without you, there won’t be Jobbie. (sounds a bit corny but bear with me hahaha)
The journey was no easy one, being so young and inexperienced. We were only 20(Joseph) and 18(Debbie) when we first started. But still, everyone was so kind and understanding to give us chance, to guide us to the right path and to forgive us for whatsoever we were lacking back then. Still, up till now we’re constantly improving and growing to hopefully provide a better product and service to you.
Today we were interviewed by City Plus FM, we had lotsa fun. We talked about our passion, our dream, our paint (sob sob). There were moments Debbie cried while broadcasting hahaha. These are time where it made us think “Arhhhh, everything is worth it up till now”!
This blog serve as a gratitude letter to every one of you awesome people of the Jobbie-nation. Please continue to grow with us, help us. We may not be the best yet. But together we’ll achieve the top and be the best in Malaysia! You and me, kau dengan aku,你和我!
We love to hear more from you, PM us, DM us, email us ways you think we can improve to serve you better. Or if you just like a chat with us, you’re more than welcome! “wink”