Often times we hear people say they’re on a diet or they’re eating clean. But what does it mean? And why do they do what they do? Some people treat these as a hardship in life because it might meant giving up delicious food and drink, or giving up a fun social life.
But is it?
There are tons of ways to be healthier, one of it is just being ---HAPPY! Yes as easy as it might seem, in a book written by Lyubomirsky titled “The How’s of Happiness”, he argues that a happy and healthy mind will affect ones health. Another study also shows a group of 180 nuns in Wisconsin, that nuns that tend to be more positive minded tend to live on an average of 9 YEARS longer to nuns that has a pessimist approach to life. Now 9 years has a lot of days~
Furthermore a balance lifestyle is also an important part to help maintain a good shape. A regular exercise of 3-4 days in a week top with a balance 3 meal
day with some quality time with love ones has been showed to have positive effects on health.
Lastly, it is very important to cut more sugar and salt, reports has indicated that over-excessive use of salt and sugar in your meal can bring about heart diseasesand kidney problem. But fear no more! We have the sugar and salt free peanut butter ready for you and to cater your needs, you do not have to fear giving up delicious food again. “Yerrrrr no sugar no salt, tasteless loooor?”. Well peanuts are naturally VERY sweet and a bit savory on its own, it’ll blasting you off to Mars
with its “over powering” aroma that you’ll never forget! Open the cap, take a spoon, scoop, put in your mouth, and you’re on your way to a nutty heaven.
Approximately 98.5% pure roasted peanuts and 1.5% peanut oil. Peanut butter has never been so pure, delicious and irresistible!
#eatclean #jobbie #jobbienutbutter #malaysia