Introducing our 1st ever April Fool’s day themed prank product.
After 8 years of existing, our team @ JOBBIE has finally gone insane🤪 due to the stress of recent pandemic and gave birth to the weirdest flavour ever.
Featuring our first ever non-peanut based spread BUT, a green PEA based spread —【MACAU HIJAU💚 - Green Pea Spread】.
Like a Frankenstein monster🧟, some will hate it, some will love it. You have been warned, take your chance at your own risk.
“Sooo why the name 【Macau Hijau】?”
1. Women Yell at cat meme
In the label design is the popular “woman yell at cat😿” meme , as she is scolding the cat in the most Malaysian way with ‘Mak Kau Hijau🤌!’, she faces a cultural challenge and couldn’t pronounce it well like the locals and end up having the accent/pronunciation of ‘Macau’ instead of ‘Mak Kau’.
2. Avoiding internet drama
And, in full transparency, we are trying to avoid being criticise/Will Smith slap👊 by the netizens for calling the product Mak Kau Hijau (some might take it as an insult personally), as April fool’s comedy is very subjective and we cry, VERY, easily😭...
“Okay, so how does the product actually taste like🤔?”
Very smokey/roasted/bbq🔥 pea flavour. The flavour direction is leaning to the sweet side but it also has a hint of umami/savouriness.
Course and fibrous texture from using wholesome green pea. Perfect to eat direct from the spoon & as a spread😋.
“Hidden symbolism is something you lookout for if you’re a true hardcore JOBBIE fan🤘”.
Here are some of them:
1) Green cat
The cat is seen in green as a “fact” because its mother is also green (as explained by the yelling woman on the left side of the label).
2) 3 petal flower
Located at the middle of the packaging and below the “storage condition” section: Official flag/flower of Macau — Lotus
3) Youtube link
Right below the expiry date - It’s the original video (remix version) of the kid who made the term ‘mak kau hijau’ viral.
4) Rendang dream
The cat is dreaming about rendang (a traditional must eat dish during the festive season of Hari Raya celebrated by the Muslims in Malaysia) even though it is eating green pea because Hari Raya is coming.
5) Yo’ MAMA so green
As seen in the top round label, it is an Americanise ‘yo mama joke’ that also serve as a direct translate to English language of ‘Mak Kau Hijau’.
JOBBIE Macau Hijau Green Pea Spread is a Limited Edition product available only from 1/4/2022 ~ 30/4/2022
💰 Price: RM19.90
🛒 Order 【MACAU HIJAU - Green Pea Spread】 now!