【“A person like you will never in this life…succeed!!!” 】

After SPM we worked many odd jobs. In 2014 we officially stepped into the “real world”
know as the society. We had no expertise, no experience, no college or university degree, heck we don’t even own a car!
With the meager capital
we hardly have from doing odd jobs, we packed our bags,
tighten our fist
, with a mindset to conquer the world…we started our humble little peanut butter journey.
“Aunty how this peanut butter taste…nice ma?”
A question we used to keep pestering the aunties and uncles while on a bus or a train
to go on our days’ work. This new world was so fascinating, there was so much to learn so much to experience that it felt like a giant playground for us!! ‘’How to do business” “how can we make better products’’ ‘’how can we be successful’’ questions like these constantly float in our minds.
We started out as “WALAO-EH!!! Peanut Butter”. Selling at booths at supermarket every Saturday and Sunday for 6months straight at first just to gather feedbacks and opinions from everyone as none of us had any culinary skills. After 6months we transform into “Jobbie Nut Butter” and started to supply to some café, restaurant, retail shop etc. We weren’t profitable at first, there were times we were so poor we had to share a bowl of Pan Mee Noodle to survive.(which was the sweetest moments thinking back
After 3 years in the game, somehow miraculously, we’re still very alive and still burning with passion. We move from a 600sf flat to a 900sf condo
, to a factory and office of our own
. We couldn’t even sell 10 bottles the first month till now selling thousands of bottles a month. From being invincible and unnoticeable to having a chance to appear on television
to be viewed nation- wide. Every step we take has blood and sweat in it and with that every step somebody lifted us up and put us down.
【“A person like you will never in this life…succeed!!!” 】
A statement like this once echoed in our ears and sink into our hearts
. There were moments we look at each other with teary eyes
and comfort each other with words like “we can make it, just a little more…just a bit more” We constantly have to brainwash ourselves that whatever comments and feedback we receive will helped us grow no matter how it hurts.
We were not particular smart , we were both only SPM graduates. We were not rich
, we worked part times to fund our business. We didn’t have a strong support system at first
, we have google and the random people we “thick face-ly” went and approach. We consider ourselves the luckiest people on earth though.
If you're struggling with your dream or if you have a dream and have not started to execute yet, we at Jobbie Nut Butter believe you can make it! If no one believes in you, comment bellow, we'll encourage you!
With all these said, please continue to buy our peanut butter. So we can continue to tell you more of our “grandfather stories”.
【Buy 5 free 1 + free delivery all over Malaysia! 】
Shop now at https://www.jobbienutbutter.com/collections/all
Promo code: BUY5FREE1
shop now and start collecting points to redeem free peanut butter!
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